Free world collaboration of ideas
Free world collaboration of ideas, is the future.
Here is a website for every single person in the world to give their idea for providing solutions to different world issues.
An open archive with a focus on letting others see your ideas.
To go together to further develop each other’s ideas.
If you take the whole world’s brains together, you can hopefully come up with a solution and ideas.
And that is our goal.
Write, Upload Documents, Architect Drawings, PDF, Presentations, JPG, GIF.
Let your imagination flow with ideas that others can see, united for the world.
A non-profit forum for ideas, but an open archive for everyone.
Please donate to us if you want to see our work in gathering research, researchers, architects, mathematicians, engineers.
Who can take part of your information and hopefully we can come up with an end product and solutions.
We will designate the final idea on our site, then contact the person or the people who came up with a workable solution.
And they will get in touch with those who can further develop that idea.
We are like a Conveyor of Ideas


Sea level rise

Air pollution

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